Indie Deck Collection: Indie Oracle Decks & More is my most recent video on YouTube and is going over all the Indie Oracle, Affirmation & other types of decks that are not tarot I have currently in my collection. I will leave a link here so you can watch it and also the list below if you want to look them up! I have the Indie Deck Collection: Tarot Decks Video already up!
Indie Deck Collection: Indie Tarot Decks Video
Indie Deck Collection Indie Oracle Decks & More Video
The second half of my indie deck collection! These are all decks that are not tarot decks, so from oracle to mini divi it's all here!
2. Healthy Vibes Affirmation Deck
14. Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck
15. Iris Oracle Deck
16. Magick Morsels Oracle Deck
17. Visions in the Liminal Space Oracle Deck
18. Love Oracle of Eden Oracle Deck
21. Wisdom of the Divine Feminine Oracle Deck
22. I Am Affirmations Deck for Babies & Toddlers
25. Hearts Eye Oracle
26. Devas of Creation
27. Vessel Oracle
28. From Roots to Blooms
29. Inquire Within Affirmation
30. Self Care Adventure Cards
31. Celestial Bodies Oracle
32. Postcards in the Liminal Space
33. Spread Crafters Oracle
34. Guidance of the Goddess Oracle
35. Olga Speaks Oracle
36. Extra Terrestrial Oracle
37. Roots & Wings Oracle
38. Reclaim Oracle
39. Moon Deck
40. Compass Cards
41. Elvine Oracle
42. Three Black Moons Oracle
43. Hollow Valley Deck of Symbols
Not shown in this video but show in the tarot is my tarot/oracle decks :