Top 10 Tarot Decks of 2024 - A Riffle In Time

Top 10 Tarot Decks of 2024

The Top 10 Tarot Decks of 2024 is originally a video I posted on my YouTube channel but I wanted to make a written version too for accessibility and preference differences! If you would like to see the original video check out Top 10 Tarot Decks of 2024.

I also did a video on the Top 10 Oracle Decks of 2024 which I will make a blog post about too and then a Top Deck Pairings of 2024 as well!

When making this list of my top tarot decks of 2024 things I considered were: 

  • which decks I used the most
  • what were the stand out decks this year
  • which were the most reliable
  • what decks was I just excited to use
  • best decks to read for others with
  • best decks for myself
  • which deck gave the best reading
  • which deck can I not stop thinking about

To figure this out I looked back through my photos, videos, journals and anything else I had to kind of look over my year. I did make it so that all the decks had to be frequently used through at least a large portion of the year so it was fair. I did get a lot of great decks towards the end that I just didn't have time to use and I also had decks I started off strong with but got very pulled from after the first two months of the year.

So all things considered, these are my top 10 tarot decks of 2024 starting from 10 and working my way down to my number 1.

10. White Numen Tarot Deck was my most used deck for readings for others. I ended up using this a ton this year for the tarot readings I offer here on the website which you get to pick a deck of your choice or let me choose. It honestly was chosen at least as much as I chose it myself but I really loved how it read truthfully but not too insensitively. 

9. Zeke's Arcana Journey Tarot Deck took the first half of the year by storm. I used this so much in the spring and summer and this is the deck that ended up accidentally shaking up this list. If I hadn't of gotten it I wonder if decks like Ritual Tarot or Terra Volatile would have not fallen off so hard after winter was over. I loved its quirky energy and its bright colors really suited me during the livelier part of the year.

8. Journey Tarot Deck is truly one of the most beautiful decks I own, the illustrations are breathtaking and even the box is gorgeous. I am smitten by this deck. I used it consistently through out the year but definitely not enough at any point to put it higher. I would absolutely cover my walls in this deck though and I think if I do the  deep dive this year I plan to it could really soar in next years list.

7 and 6. Somia Tarot Deck & Jonasa Jaus Tarot Deck are going to kinda take up these two spots together because I only used them together and I feel like it's not fair to choose one over the other. Spoilers this is my top pairing of the year and for that alone it had to be on this list but also what it added to my practice made it a little higher in the list. I trimmed both decks and without the titles I was able to really embrace a fully intuitive reading style with them.

5. Lilifer Tarot Deck surprised me the most this year. It was the comeback story I didn't expect. I actually had a first edition of this deck that I had previously let go of but preorder the second edition and I am so glad. I ended up really connecting with it this year and spent most of my year with it. Not only did I find one of my favorite pairings of the year with it but even on its own it was one I kept coming back to even when other decks just weren't hitting it. 

4. Playful Heart Tarot Deck is the start of the decks on this list whoever held a spot in my heart and practice before this year even came to be. This is a deck for my inner child and I've done a lot of great inner child work with it because of that. It is fun, bright, loving, charming and whimsical. I adore this deck and always will. Even if it ends up one year not being as used it will always be a deck I cherish in my collection.

3. Future Ancestor Tarot Deck is one of the decks I love the most. It makes sense that the decks I use for deep and personal work are deeply imbedded in my heart but I've loved this deck since the day I held it. It is a deck I use for grief work mostly because of its grounded feel, its nature and people but in the simplest and best ways. I have always said it feels like walking barefoot in the woods to me and I am charmed again and again by it. I think it's also one of those decks that retains some of its creators energy because I always feel her energy when I use it and what a gift Lexa is.

2. The Gentle Tarot Deck had to be here because like the last two it's so deeply a part of my heart and practice but by number of times used this year it puts it at the top of the list. I always love this deck and use it frequently throughout the year but I found a new pairing for it using the Gentle Tarot Pocket Tin Edition with Extraordinary Incantations and I was obsessed. This is a combo I used over and over for me and anyone who would allow it lol. I also never stop singing the praise of the full size guidebook for it and its just overall a great tool for the kind of intentional and healing work I like to do with tarot.

1. Oak, Ash & Thorn Tarot Deck surprised me this year. Not only was it the most chosen deck by others for readings but ended up being part of pairs that I couldn't get enough of, making it my most used tarot deck of the year. Oak, Ash & Thorn has been a deck on previous years lists and I have never stopped singing the praise of Adam's art and Stephanies brilliance for any of their decks but this is the first time its been within the top 5. The reason it was so high I think was between having the mini edition now that I used on it's own and then pairing it with Heartwood Tarot Deck and Thistledown Oracle Deck I couldn't stop myself and then so many of you chose it especially to pair with Thistledown for your readings. I will say I think Heartwood would have been on this list if I hadn't of disqualified it for me getting it too late in the year so I would love to see how these two battle it out in next years list.


I hope you loved this years Top 10 Tarot Decks of 2024 and don't forget to check out my other Top deck videos linked above. If you want to know more about my plans for my practice and which decks I'm looking to use for 2025 check it out here at my Personal Practice Planning for 2025 video.


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